Head of laboratory
Dr Shirin Babri, Assistant Professor, (Pharm D,PhD)
E-mail: babris@tbzmed.ac.ir
Dr Saeed Khamnei, Professor (MD,PhD)
E-mail: khamnei_s@yahoo.com
Physiology laboratory consists of two major units:
1. Human physiology
2. Animal physiology
Overview of Physiology:
Physiology is a branch of biology which deals with the mechanism of life. Therefore, as it is evident from its definition, dynamism is in its core. In other words it studies living organism in action. Among other aspects of this branch of science is it's diversity and variety. Every delicate event, from the cells to gross activities that an animal performs in its daily, are dealt with in detail in physiology. As a basic medical science, its contribution to clinic is undeniable. Indeed, some of the most valuable advances in treatment and clinical procedures are the outcome of pure laboratory work including physiology whose applications could not be foreseen. Our laboratory is active in the following fields:
Physiology of respiratory system:
In this field, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of respiratory function particularly those responsible for the enhancement of pulmonary ventilation during physical exercises, are investigated.
Exercise physiology:
In addition to experiments on cardiopulmonary aspects of Exercise, other aspects are also among research interests in this laboratory. Currently sweating profile during exercise is under investigation.
Cardiovascular physiology:
Research in this area includes the theology of blood, the pathophysiology of coronary arteries, and carotid baroreflex. A major field of study is held on the variation in the sensitivity and pattern of baroreflex under different health diseases conditions.
Microdialysis researches are being carried out in which secretions of neural mediators and neuromodulators in different parts of brain are studied. These are particularly in connection with behavioral physiology.