Dr Ali Reza Parvizpur:
Head of Pharmacology
Assistant professor of Pharmacology
Tel: 0098 41 33363311
Fax: 0098 41 33363231
E-mail: A.Parvizpur@excite.com
Curriculum Vitae:
Dr Ali Reza Parvizpur is assistant professor of Pharmacology in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. He graduated in Pharm. D. from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences-Iran in 1990 and received his PhD from Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran-Iran in 2001. His PhD research project covered ..... He has got a six months course study on alternative splicing in Cystic Fibrosis ICGEB, Trieste-Italy in 2000. His research interests are Pain and inflammation and also Molecular biology.
Current research programs:
Research experiences in addition to the Pharm D and PhD thesis are listed bellow:
1. Srudy on the analgesic effect of Trignella foenum-graecum extract
Including: site of analgesic action, effect of serotonergic and opioid systems in analgesic action, gastroulcerogenicity of the TFG extract, the effect of the extract on rabbit platelet aggregation induced by ADP, the effect of the extract in the contraction response of vasa deferentian induced by a P2X receptor agonist and the effect of the extract on P2X receptors in rat spinal cord
2. Study on the molecular basis of monosymptomatic forms of Cystic Fibrosis
Publications in international journals:
Parvizpur A, Ahmadiani A, Javan M, Kamalinejad M. A study on the site of antinociceptive effect of Trigonella foenum graecum leaves extract in phasic and tonic models of pain. Physiology and Pharmacology 2000; 3(2):193-199.
Presentations in national and international conferences:
1. Parvizpur A, Ahmadiani A. Gastric ulcerogenicity and platelet anti-aggregation activity of analgesic extract of Trigonella foenum-graecum (TFG). 9th world congress on pain, 1999; Aug 22-27, Astria, Vienna.
2. Javan M, Parvizpur A, Ahmadiani A. The role of serotonergic and opioid systems in analgesia produced by Trigonella foenum-graecum exract and site of its analgesic effect. 9th world congress on pain, 1999; Aug 22-27, Astria, Vienna.
3. Ahmadiani A, Parvizpur A, Kamalinejad M. Probable role of P2X purinoceptors in analgesic effect of Trigonella foenum-graecum leaves extract. EFIC 2000, 2000; Sep 26-29, France, Nice.
4. Parvizpur A. Safety points in glucocorticoid administration. The first seminar in safety. 2001; Nov 14-15, Iran, Tabriz.
5. Parvizpur A, Ahmadiani A, Kamalinejad M. Study on mechanism and site of action of antinociceptive extract of Trigonella foenum-graecum. 14th Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology, 1999; May 16-20, Iran.
6. Parvizpur A, Ahmadiani A. Does Trigonella foenum-graecum extract produce NSAID like side effects such as gastric ulceration and ADP-induced platelet aggregation? 14th Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology, 1999; May 16-20, Iran.